Stage 3;

By Stage 3, Baltica abusers become completely reclusive, severing all former social ties, and often develop a bizarre habit of hanging out with re-animated Soviet leaders.

Stage 4:

Stage 4 is the most devastating for the Baltica junkie. By this point, the level of abuse has plainly altered the user's physical appearance. The most common side affect is severe swelling of the feet.

(Here the subject is clearly delirious at the hideousness of her mutation.)

It is ironic that it is at this onset of disfiguration, that Baltic junkies usually turn to a life of prostitution, both as a means of self gratification and also to support the expense of their habit, which at US$0.30/bottle can easily add up to tens of dollars per week.

But nothing can prepare the casual oberver for the horrors of Stage 5....